HOW TO – Geiger Counter Computer Interface
The MightyOhm geiger counter kit beeps every time a radioactive decay is detected, but in order to record the decay rate more accurately it can be connected directly to a computer. The software to connect to the geiger counter is called “RealTerm”, and can be found by clicking the start button and typing its name into the search box.
- Connect the geiger counter to one of the computer’s USB ports. Turn on the geiger counter using the small switch on the side.
- Start the RealTerm program. Go to the “Port” tab in RealTerm and change the settings to:
Baud: 9600, Parity: None, Data Bits: 8, Stop Bits: 1 bit.
- To find the correct port number to connect to the geiger counter, you can begin by entering Port: 4, and clicking the “Open” button to make the connection. If you do not see information appearing on the screen within a few seconds, repeat with different port numbers until you find the right one.
- Once connected, lines of data should start appearing like the ones shown below. The most useful information will be the counts per minute (CPM), shown in the fourth column.